Prof Dr Katja Schneider
Prof Dr Katja Schneider has been teaching dance studies at the HfMDK Frankfurt since 2019. She was previously a research assistant at the Institute for Theatre Studies at LMU Munich, where she wrote her habilitation thesis Tanz und Text. On Figurations of Movement and Language. She received her doctorate in Modern German Literature at the LMU with an interdisciplinary thesis on the theatre author Johann Christian Krüger (1996). Between 1992 and 2012, she wrote as a critic for dance and performance for the Süddeutsche Zeitung and reported for Deutschlandfunk; she worked as an editor for the specialist magazines tanzdrama, tanzjournal and tanz (1992-2012), and as a dramaturge for the Munich festival "Dance" (20012-2023). She is a founding member of, Access to Dance/Tanzbasis München e. V. and Fokus Tanz/Tanz und Schule.
Dr Anna Wieczorek
Anna Wieczorek (Dr.) is a dance scholar and currently a research assistant specialising in dance at the Institute for Media, Theatre and Popular Culture at the University of Hildesheim. After studying dramaturgy in Munich, she completed her doctorate with her dissertation "Historical (Re-)Formulations" on a post/decolonial perspective
on dance historiography (University of Salzburg, published in the series Medien und Theater by OLMS-Verlag / Universität Verlag Hildesheim, Open Access). She also worked on the DFG research project "Gestures of Dance - Dance as Gesture" (University of Hamburg, with Gabriele Klein/Elisabeth Leopold) and the FWF research project "Traversing the Contemporary" (University of Salzburg, with Claudia Jeschke/Sandra Chatterjee). In her research, she is always interested in the interface between theory and practice, especially in relation to topics such as scores/notations, mediation, aesthetics of access/dance and audio description.
Dr des. Dominika Cohn
Dr des. Dominika Cohn is a dance scholar and choreographer. She currently works as a research assistant at the Institute for Media, Theatre and Popular Culture at the University of Hildesheim. From 2019-2022 she was a member of the Hildesheim DFG Research Training Group 2477 "Aesthetic Practice", where she wrote her doctoral thesis entitled "Choreographies of the Tactile: Zur Rezeption korporal-sensuell partizipativer Choreografie als ästhetische Praxis" was written. Dominika Cohn first completed a practical stage dance degree at the LABAN Centre in London before completing her Master's degree in Dance Studies at the FU Berlin while working as a freelance dancer. From 2015 to 2018, she worked as a dance mediator at the Braunschweig State Theatre. In 2010, Dominika Cohn co-founded the YET Company, with which she has been realising choreographic projects ever since.
Dr Anja Arend
Dr Anja K. Arend is a dance and musicologist and currently a research assistant at the Institute for Contemporary Dance at the Folkwang University of the Arts, where she is responsible for teaching dance history and dance studies as well as the Folkwang Dance Archive. After studying musicology and dance studies with additional studies in history and theology, she completed her doctorate at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg. Her research focusses on 19th and 20th century dance history, historical notation practice, the interplay between music and dance and questions of archiving dance. Her work is characterised by a clearly interdisciplinary approach, which is reflected in both interdisciplinary teaching and research.
Dr. Christiana Rosenberg-Ahlhaus
Sie wurde 1975 zweifache Weltmeisterin in der Rhythmischen Sportgymnastik (Ball und Keulen) und studierte im Anschluss daran an der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln. Nach Abschluss des Studiums unterrichtete sie drei Jahre an der Sporthochschule als Lehrkraft im Bereich Rhythmik und Tanz. Im Anschluss daran war sie bis 2023 als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Universität Konstanz tätig und dort u.a. für die Ausbildung im Fach Tanz und Tanzforschung verantwortlich. Sie veröffentlichte mehrere Fachbücher zu Tanz und Tanzunterricht. Ihre Dissertation von 1996 befasst sich mit der Bedeutung der Phänomenologie für die Tanzpädagogik. Bis 2022 leitete sie die Tanzgruppe der Universität und erhielt 2019 von der Universität Konstanz den Tina- Ulmer-Lehrpreis. Aktuell ist sie Vorstandsmitglied der Gesellschaft für Tanzforschung, zudem ist sie im Netzwerk Moderner Tanz aktiv.
Sebastian Matthias
Sebastian Matthias is a choreographer and dance researcher. Since May 2019 he is a post-doc at the research project "Participatory Art Based Research" at the HafenCity University Hamburg in collaboration with K3| Tanzplan Hamburg. He also works internationally at independent production houses and closely with the Bürgerbühne at the Staatsschauspiel Dresden and the Theater Basel until 2021 through the funding Doppelpass of the German Federal Cultural Foundation. He studied dance at the Juilliard School in New York and dance studies at the Free University of Berlin.
As an associated artist at the K3 | Centre for Choreography, he develops his artistic-scientific research practice and received his PhD in 2018 as part of the Research Training Group Assembly and Participation: Urban Public Spheres and Performative Arts at HafenCity University Hamburg. His dissertation project was published in 2018 by transcript under the title "Gefühlter Groove - Kollektivität zwischen Dancefloor und Bühne". In his choreographic work, he deals with modular improvisation systems that he develops collectively with the dancers.
Massumeh Rasch
is a theatre and dance scholar as well as an integrative dance and body therapist. She has been working in an acute psychosomatic clinic since 2018. She has previously worked on various film, dance and theatre projects in the areas of dramaturgy, production and direction. As a dancer, she is still active in participatory dance projects with socio-political references. She is a member of the Professional Association of Dance Therapists in Germany, where she is a founding member of the Research Committee and co-organises the conference series "Research Day Dance Therapy". She is also a member of the German Society for Dance Therapy, where she is involved in ethical issues in integrative dance therapy. In addition to her professional and socio-political commitment, she is particularly interested in the relationship between biographical and choreographic processes, intermediary transitions and trauma therapy research.
Gesellschaft für Tanzforschung e.V. (Society for Dance Research e.V.)
Alexa Junge
Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin
Office hours: Tuesday-Thursday 10am - 3pm
Tel. 03037443392